Finished!  😀 WT #150 Hollow Form Vessel from Beetle Killed Ponderosa Pine with Turquoise inlay.

Finished! 😀 WT #150 Hollow Form Vessel from Beetle Killed Ponderosa Pine with Turquoise inlay.

I worked on this piece fairly steadily for a 3 week period.  Glad to have it done and pleased with the result!  It is the 150th piece I have created since I started turning!

WT #150, Large Hollow Form Vessel from Beetle Killed Ponderosa Pine with Turquoise inlay. 26.5” tall x 15.5” diameter with 5.875” opening. Buffed oil finish.

This is the largest piece I have created thus far and is at the limit I can do on my lathe. The grayish blue coloration in the wood is spalting caused by a fungus that the beetles carry into the tree. The majority of the turquoise inlay is in the voids the beetles and their larvae created boring into the tree.
